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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryPLANET


Author: Brenda Cockerham

Planning Unit: Johnson County CES

Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

Plan of Work: Accessing Nutritious Food

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The Johnson County Extension Homemakers prioritized the environment as being a priority for the next four years. They selected the former "Outdoor Classroom" (which is located on the back side of Paintsville Lake) as a major project. The International program also has a strong environmental component, so the two projects would be equally promoted and developed throughout the year. Thus far, the steering committee, has met with the Army Corp of Engineers and we have successfully planned and completed the first phase of a 4 phase project. The new name decided by the group is PLANET-Paintsville Lake Activities Nature Edible Trail. 

The first phase was the planning and implementation of an Edible Trail. This is where we plant a series of  bushes and trees producing edible fruit and nuts so people can eat the food as they take walks. This has been partially implemented. It had some persimmon trees planted there previously, that are now producing and we planted 15 of 3 types of raspberry bushes-yellow black and red.  a few blackberry bushes are already there along with a few apple trees. FCS volunteers planted 5 additional gooseberries, 5 blueberries, and 5 more apple trees. We have purchased more edibles to plant throughout 2020.  

We proposed the repair and modification of the shelter which had been initially built years ago, but had since been damaged by a fire. FCS applied for and received a mini grant to assist in this effort. This project was completed, the shelter repaired, the water tank replaced and the grounds cleared and groomed. The shelter now has a storage area and holds supplies for upcoming environmental  programs. A small pollinator field has been planted, along with more nut and fruit trees. 

The complementary educational programs at the office that were held were: Best practices on how to plant and sustain berry bushes, the nutritional value of berries program, how to preserve berries and good berry recipes (Plate it Up). To celebrate the harvest season an event held was called "Summer Jammin'" where we hosted a competition for local jam and jelly makers at the city's oldest historic site called the "Stafford House"; while the event transpired, local musicians performed (jammed), on the front porch, and berry bushes were given as door prizes. (Johnson County is at the center of the Country Music Highway).

We also featured two programs featuring the discovery of vegetative edibles in the wild at PLANET (this was called "Wild and Edible"), and later prepared wild game at another session on "Cooking Wild" which was the preparation of hunted game. These were very well received with many describing the experience as a first. Both events were well attended with participants reporting that they are now using recipes, some reporting having "gone back to Planet trail to eat more persimmons".  All programs held, aided attendees in gaining awareness of how to access nutritious "self growing" foods, how to prepare them as well as how to preserve them.

The newspaper featured the project, and the county judge prioritized repairing the road that accesses the property which has now successfully been blacktopped and made more accessible to the public.

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