Success StorySmall Changes
Small Changes
Author: Nancy Owens
Planning Unit: Allen County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Allen County Cooperative Extension Office teamed up with Life skills Industries. Through this partnership the focus was not only to teach nutrition but to also get the clients with special needs to do more physical activity and have less screen time after returning home in the afternoon. And some of the focus was on things that the clients would like to accomplish themselves to better their health and lifestyle.
10 clients sign a simple contract with me. The contract would state that the client would have 1 hour less of tv a day and would walk or do physical activity. 8 of the 10 clients walk 5 laps around the building each day after lunch to be more physically active. 1 client wanted to stop smoking and she sign a contract giving 1 cigarette a week until she quit smoking. 2 of the client lost 5 lbs., each month the clients give me a calendar and they receive a certificate of the work they have accomplish toward their goal. When we meet monthly the client talk about how making small changes and being more physically active has helps with some health issues, and also how they feel better overall day to day!
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