Success Story4-H volunteers connecting with our community.
4-H volunteers connecting with our community.
Author: Ola Donahue
Planning Unit: Kenton County CES
Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming
Plan of Work: 4-H Leadership
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Volunteers have a positive impact where they live and work. They make communities stronger, connect communities to each other, improve community health and increase overall civic involvement. The value of 4-H volunteers extends far beyond the scope of youth development into every part of their community. (UMN Extension Volunteer Survey)
Kenton County is always looking for ways to get our 4-H Volunteers Leaders more involved in our community. To reach out across the program areas and share what 4-H is about with those that may not know what 4-H Youth Development is.
The Kenton County 4-H Council with help from Dan and I partnered with the Farms in Kenton County to plan and execute and our first Farm to Dinner Fundraiser for 4-H.
Working with the Farmers and our chef a menu was planned using locally grown food from our Kenton County Farms. Using the Marketing tool Constant Contact Invitations were sent out to our extension email list. Invitations were also sent to local businesses and posters were placed around the county.
The day of the event we had 95 dinner reservations, 19 youth volunteers and 20 adult volunteers. Out of the 95 dinner reservations 40 percent where not current extension clients, 30 percent were clients involved in extension programs other than 4-H. The feedback from the event was amazing the participants could not believe we had so many farms that produced such great food. Dan and I were approached by so many people giving our 4-H youth praise stating they had the outstanding manners, poise and how they were able to communicate and hold conversations with them. The Kenton County 4-H Council Volunteers where able to plan this event and raise over 3000.00 for upcoming 4-H Programs.
The majority of participates stated they would come to the event again, so 4-H is planning to make our Farm to Table Dinner and Annual Event.
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