Success StorySummer 4-H Camp Builds Life Skills in Youth
Summer 4-H Camp Builds Life Skills in Youth
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Planning Unit: Todd County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Empowering Youth to Succeed
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Summer 4-H camp provides a unique and magical experience for youth between the ages of 9-14 years old. The simple challenges of learning how to shoot a bow, hike through the woods, or conquer a high ropes course are among the opportunities presented during this five day adventure. There are the much more complex challenges of getting along with a new group of peers, learning how to ask for help from others, or taking manageable amount of risks without a parent following after you. Psychology Today states that summer camps are the perfect places to help children develop their psychosocial development. The Todd County Extension Service - 4-H program provided this camping experience in 2019 for 136 campers, 12 teens and 20 adult volunteer at the West Kentucky 4-H Camp. Over 20 camp classes such as nature, shooting sports, canoeing, recreation, crafts, horse and challenge course were offered to the campers. A 4-H Camp Facebook page was utilized all week during camp to highlight the activities and show pictures of campers enjoying camp in order to keep parents connected. More than $6500 was given to youth through the 4-H camp scholarship program allowing low income youth the opportunity to attend camp. An end of camp survey and a focus group of teens 3 months after camp revealed that:
* 61% reported mastering a new skill at camp.
* 78% made atleast 1 new friend while at camp.
*73% interacted with people different than them.
76% were physically active for atleast 1 hour per day.
64% reported making decisions on their own while at camp.
79% managed his or her own money for spending at camp.
In addition to these results, 72% of the campers plan to return to camp the following year and will encourage a friend to attend camp in 2020.
The teens who were part of the focus group reported having an increase in self-confidence, leadership, team work and communication skills at camp. They also reported having a positive relationship with an adult/mentor at camp and growing in responsibility .
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