Success StoryDay Treatment
Day Treatment
Author: Bobbie Hancock
Planning Unit: Mercer County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Mercer County Program Assistant for Nutrition Education Program partnered with the local public high school to educate students in the Day Treatment Program. The NEP met once a month, for nine months, to instruct on implementing more fruits and vegetables into their daily diet. 100% of the youth adopted the practice of consuming 3 or more healthy selections after learning methods to grow and prepare food safely. The Mercer County NEP is also involved in improving the students’ knowledge of safe food storage. In learning the importance of vegetables in their diet, the Horticulture Agent guided the students in planting potatoes. The class is now providing the school cafeteria “home grown” potatoes. The Agent also taught the importance of pollination and aided the students in setting up a hive of bees. They were able to harvest over 100 jars of “D’s Bees” honey to sell locally. The money raised will finance a greenhouse for more vegetable production.
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