Success StoryJust Family Adult Day Care Health Improvements
Just Family Adult Day Care Health Improvements
Author: Kayla Lunsford
Planning Unit: Garrard County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
In late summer of 2019, a class was started at Just Family Adult Day Care using the Healthy Choices for Every Body curriculum. This group was truly a joy to work with and showed wonderful improvements throughout their time in the class. Although not everyone that attends Just Family does their own shopping, many of the participants do, or at least work with a caregiver which assists them with shopping. This program was geared toward the participants who have autonomy over their food choices but have had trouble in the past making healthy choices. One great success was how the staff at Just Family also have learned from the program. Some of the recipes from the Healthy Choices curriculum have been implemented into the weekly menus at the center. The participants are served breakfast and lunch, and now they will be able to receive great healthy recipes even after the class is over. This is wonderful because it will not only provide better nutrition for the people there now, but also hopefully people in the future who attend Just Family.
The group showed improvements in areas such as diet quality, with 86% improving in at least 3 or more areas. Food safety was another area with significant improvements. 80% of participants reported washing their hands more often before preparing food and 80% also thawing food at room temperature less often. This seems to be an area a lot of people struggle with, but this group showed one of the best rates of improvement of any groups. This group is always enthusiastic and participate at every class. They show a huge desire to learn and become healthier in their nutrition habits, which is very encouraging!
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