Success StoryHeart of a Homemaker
Heart of a Homemaker
Author: Rebecca Miller
Planning Unit: Bell County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Empowering current and future leaders; positive youth development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Bell County Extension Homemakers Organization is a very important part of this community and to the Bell County Extension Service. When our community is in need or a disaster occurs, community leaders know they can call on the Bell County Homemakers and the need will be met. With over 100 members and with the addition of a 4-H Junior Homemaker Club, this group is growing and continues to improve the quality of life to the citizens in Bell County by volunteering, donating time and items, and teaching classes to share talents and skills with 4-Hers and adults.
For the homemaker year, our homemakers reported 10,732 volunteer hours for Extension, KEHA, community and personal at a value of $272,919.85 to the community. The Bell County Homemakers have awarded two $500 scholarships to students in the community wanting to further their education, thus having a long lasting effect on their future. Other projects they have sponsored include collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, donating money to benefit ovarian cancer research at the University of Kentucky and donated money to Red Bird Mission for water filters, so that students would have clean water to drink. Because of these efforts and the hearts of giving homemakers, our county is a better place and ensures that the people in our area are supported.
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