Success StoryKSU Mobile Kitchen Comes to West End Farmers Market
KSU Mobile Kitchen Comes to West End Farmers Market
Author: Stephen Lewis
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Plan of Work: Accessing healthy foods & improving local food systems
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Success Story.
Having access to healthy foods has always been an issue in underserved neighborhoods, especially West Louisville. Another issue that many residents face is a lack of variety in their produce options, compound that with the fact that many people lack the knowledge of how to prepare unfamiliar vegetables and you will understand why many people choose fast food and processed foods more than cooking at home. To help combat this Kentucky State University has supported neighborhood organizations that seek to provide community residents with access to fresh produce. KSU has been able to provide tents for vendors at the Shawnee Farmers Market and information from the University such as recipe cards, MYPLATE handouts and visit from the Kentucky State University Mobile Kitchen.
The KSU mobile kitchen educates stakeholders on healthy ways to prepare meals by making sample servings on-location for people to try. On August 3 the mobile kitchen attended the Shawnee Farmers Market and make several dishes with produce provided to them from the Farmers Market. They made eggplant casserole, Frittatas, and zucchini chips. Agent Mason Crawford and F-Nep assistant Emma Robinson spent their Saturday in the August heat, working in the kitchen making sample dishes for over 50 people. People from all age groups attended, with a large number of them trying items like eggplant casserole and vegetable frittatas for the first time. Many remarked on how good everything tasted and several people purchased items from the farmers market to make the dishes for their family.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment