Success StoryCook Together
Cook Together
Author: Janie Oliver
Planning Unit: Knott County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Cook Together
About half of all Americans have one or more chronic disease often related to poor diet such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Nearly forty percent of the adult population in Knott County, Kentucky are obese and at risk for these diseases. Understanding a need for awareness on healthy eating habits, The Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program and Nutrition Education Program collaborated with The Knott County Cooperative Extension Service and Family and Consumer Science Agent to provide a learning environment for families.
A monthly class collaboration between the FCS agent and NEP assistants promotes the consumption of more nutritious foods while eating at home with the family and strengthening the familial bond. The NEP assistant used the Healthy Choices for Everybody curriculum, which reinforces healthy eating by following The United States Dietary Guidelines for recommended servings of the five food groups. Participants gain knowledge on how to read and use the Nutrition Facts label when making choices, difference in portion sizes and serving size, budgeting food dollars, and food safety practices. Participants are also encouraged to fit some type of physical activity into their days.
According to data collected from pre and post surveys, 100% of participants showed improvement in at least one diet quality indicator and in physical activity behaviors. Food safety practices increased with 67% of participants are using a meat thermometer more often and 83% are cleaning and sanitizing items along with surfaces while handling raw meat. Data also showed an astounding 100% of participants no longer thawing frozen food on the counter at room temperature and 50% of participants are washing hands more often while preparing meals.
Diet Quality also showed vast improvements with 100% of participants eating more fruit and 83% of participants stating they are consuming more of a variety of colorful vegetables and drinking soda less often.
The Healthy Choices for Everybody curriculum is a great resource to reinforce healthy eating amongst adults. One participant stated, “I didn’t realize how good canned fruit can be when used in different recipes. I have always loved fruit, but struggled with buying and eating it before it ruined. I will definitely start using canned fruit more often.”
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