Success Story2017 Kentucky Botanical Symposium

2017 Kentucky Botanical Symposium

Author: Rex McBride

Planning Unit: Boone County CES

Major Program: Forestry and Natural Resource Professional Education

Plan of Work: Environmental awareness and improvements

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

On October 11-12, 2017 the Boone County Extension Service hosted the Kentucky Botanical Symposium in partnership with the Kentucky Native Plant Society. The event was attended by 32 landowners and professionals in the field of natural resource management. Of the participants 8 received pesticide CEU’s (4 each) and 3 received ISA (International Society of Arborists) CEU’s (12 each) for a total of 68 hours gained. The Extension Service was part of the planning process in planning the location, researching field trip opportunities, and leading field trip to the Boone County Environmental and Nature Center each day. Participant comments indicate that seeing a well-managed native grass prairie installed at the nature center, and discussing the implementation of planting, managing, and maintenance of an area like this while on-site was a great learning experience. after the field trip, 9 participants indicated by show of hands that they plan to use the information learned to install native grass prairies or pollinator habitat in the next two years. 14 indicated that they would utilize the information to better manage existing areas.

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