Success StoryLearning about Agriculture and Safety
Learning about Agriculture and Safety
Author: Tad Campbell
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Plan of Work: Crop Production
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Continuing efforts to educate our youth about the importance of agriculture and the origin of food, the Mason County Extension Service partnered with the Mason County Farm Bureau, Fleming Mason RECC, and a local producer to host a Youth Farm Day. The sixth grade students from Mason County Schools, St. Patrick Schools, and Robertson County Schools attended a one day event to learn about livestock production, crop production, horticulture, bees, tractor rollover safety, grain bin safety, and electrical safety. Fleming/Mason RECC volunteered to attend the event to teach youth about the importance of electricity and safety precautions when seeing downed lines and storm damage. The local fire department demonstrated the grain bin emergency response equipment to the youth along with KDA attending to discuss safety precautions with potential rollover hazards. Local leaders and Extension personnel discussed educational topics dealing with agriculture enterprises to inform youth about the importance of agriculture.Over 300 youth with 15 adult volunteers took part in the event. Each session was tied to possible careers that can be obtained by individuals with interest in that particular area.Educating youth about agriculture and the grass roots to our food production is vital for sustainability.All the youth completed a work study form discussing the things they learned and aspects of each presentation. Dairy Farmers of America supplied milk and juice to all participants for a nutritious snack before returning to school. Teachers responded after the event that youth enjoyed the engaged learning from the event and the additions of the grain bin safety and rollover safety demonstrations were very well received by the student.
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