Success StoryPositive Influence
Positive Influence
Author: Relissa Torian
Planning Unit: Trigg County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Twenty-three members of the Trigg County 4-H Cooking Club completed six lessons and a total of eighteen hours of participation in club business, nutrition and cooking. Twenty households in Trigg County are now being influenced by these impressive youth.
One-hundred percent (100%) of the 4-Hers agreed that they learned: Food Safety; washing hands and other safety rules when handling foods. The importance of choosing healthy foods for their meals and snacks. How to read a food label, especially the Nutrition Facts. They learned planning meals every day should include MyPlate (all five groups) of proper portion sizes. Learned knife skills. How to read and follow a recipe. This particular lesson was re-enforced after one incorrect measurement of salt resulted in Zucchini Cakes that could not be eaten. Eighty percent (80%) stated that they personally learned team working skills. The other twenty percent (20%) being older and having attended the classes before, continue to maintain their skills whenever cooking.
Concluding the year of classes, students cooked a meal. Properly set and waited tables to serve their guests restaurant style. The service and meal was applaud by all (100%) in attendance.
Each student received a certificate of completion and tools from the SNAP-Ed Assistant’s office.
Pictured below are the eight students who were in attendance to cook, serve and enjoy the dinner with their twenty (20) guest.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment