Success StoryBrain Activity
Brain Activity
Author: Valerie Holland
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Keys to Embracing Aging
Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Brain Activity
Often there is talk about the importance of exercising the body, but exercising the brain is equally important. Previous research indicated the brain’s capacity to learn and grow stopped with age, recent studies show the brain is continually able to learn and adapt through the creation of new neural pathways. Scientists have change what they think about brain function with this research and holds new hope for older adults.
As the population ages, risks for cognitive decline threaten independence and the quality of life for older adults and present challenges to the health care system. Studies suggest that the brain may benefit from trying new activities, learning new skills and going outside of your routine. A 2014 university study stated that trying new things, like quilting, or learning a new piece of software, game or a new language could strengthen our brains. The brain needs new and unfamiliar, which is what we want to do to keep the brain cells excited.
Twenty-five Extension Homemakers participated in the Keys to Embracing Aging--Brain Activity Leader Training, taught by the FCS Extension Agent in Jefferson County. An end of program evaluation indicated all participants felt the program increased their understanding of how vital a healthy brain is to survival, growth, and everyday success. They had a better understanding of how physical activity, being social, mental stimulation, and a healthy diet, all contribute to a healthy brain for the present and long term. After attending the program, participants plan to improve their overall brain health by implementing one strategy such as try new games, read more, exercise, and change their routine presented in this program.
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