Success StoryExtension Leadership Development

Extension Leadership Development

Author: Amanda Sublett

Planning Unit: Marion County CES

Major Program: Volunteer Engagement

Plan of Work: Empowering Taylor County Community Leaders

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The 4-H Council decided to host a recruitment dinner in order to increase the membership on the council and to provide information on the role and function of a county 4-H Council.  As a result of the event, 6 new members were recruited and actively volunteer for 4-H events and 3 have stepped up into leadership roles on the council.

Learning to sew is a life skill that youth can develop into a business to earn extra income or utilize their skills to save money as adults by being self-sufficient.   Two certified Master Clothing Volunteers and two volunteers donated over 100 hours and their expertise to instruct 14 youth to sew.  All 14 completed a clothing or non-clothing project.

The 4-H Council sponsored the pre-sale rib eye meal as a fundraiser with approximately $1200 being raised.  Fifteen volunteers helped to grill steaks, make desserts, and package and deliver over 150 meals/sandwiches.  

4-H 4 All and Breakfast with the Easter Bunny were also held again as events to raise funds for the council.  Both events included over 70 youth and adult volunteers.

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