Success StoryPBPT Helps Extension Volunteers to Educate the Public
PBPT Helps Extension Volunteers to Educate the Public
Author: Kathryn Wimberley
Planning Unit: McCracken County CES
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Plan of Work: Nutrition Education through Cooperative Extension
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
On 28 June, 2019, the Horticulture Agent for McCracken County offered Produce Best Practices Training (PBPT) to the Master Food and Master Gardener Extension Service volunteers. This agent was qualified as a trainer. (Previously the Hort Agent was trained by UK and KDA to offer training in her county to venders and educators at area farmers markets and roadside stands.)
The Agent was given the proper documentation to train those groups which offer samples of raw produce at roadside or farmers markets to the public as a way to taste the produce. This is a helpful way to allow the customer a chance to taste before deciding to make the purchase of that fruit or vegetable. The idea is to increase sales.
Agent partnered with FCS Agent and Paducah Parks director of Paducah Farmers Market to announce the date and time. There was no fee charged for the training, as directed by UK and KDA. From the invitation, 18 people attended the training. The participants were given handouts of guidelines to reinforce the training. From this training 18 names were submitted to UK and KDA for certification.
This training has benefits of allowing the educational step for people to be aware of best practices for better food safety. The volunteers work at farmers markets about 6 times per year and reach about 250 people at each event. The target audience is all ages and ethnicity due to the location of the Paducah Farmers Market, on the riverfront. The market is handicap-accessible.
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