Success Story4-H Camp, the gate way to your 4-H Career
4-H Camp, the gate way to your 4-H Career
Author: Lloyd Saylor
Planning Unit: Butler County CES
Major Program: Summer Residential Camps
Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
4-H Camp
4-H Camp has been referred to by Dr. Jimmy Henning and Dean Nancy Cox as KY 4-H’s “Signature “ program.And for Butler County, it is. The KY State 4-H Office says that a county our size should take a minimum of 25 camp participants. That a county our size, doing an excellent job should have a goal of 40 participants. Our camp participation was 93 and ranges from year to year between 90 and 105.
Our program is large because our leadership base is large. While many counties struggle to find leaders we have high rate of repeat leaders. Many of these grew up in 4-H or their kids have and they are still involved.Additionally, we get extra youth participants because parents know the adults attending, and have personal relationships with them.
Our youth gain new experiences, make new friends, meet people from other counties. Stepping outside your comfort zone is a cliché, but it really applies to our campers. Youth leave home, many for the about 35% for the first time, learn group living, how to sweep a floor, make a bed, put up your stuff, be on time, remember to take your swim suit, get up early for a special program etc. They also take classes on subjects that are new.Firearms safety, horses, challenge courses, cooking, games, nature hikes, canoeing, swimming, kayaking, rocketry, and much more.
4-H’s core values include Belonging, Mastery, Independence, and generosity. Camp teaches all of these and our survey responses document it.These youth leave home, work with a group, learn new skills, and help each other.
Camp teaches, but it also starts. It starts the child on the adventure that is KY 4-H. This adventure will grow with each new 4-H activity.
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