Success StoryWhole Community Approach to Emergency Management youth exercise

Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management youth exercise

Author: Melissa Morgan (Newman)

Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences

Major Program: Disaster Preparedness

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management presents a foundation for increasing individual preparedness and engaging with members of the community as collaborative resources to enhance the resiliency and security of our communities.  The youth are often ignored in these emergency discussions however they can benefit not only personally but as leaders in the future.  I was asked to develop a disaster/emergency exercise for a middle school group that was studying emergency response.  Fortunately, I was familiar with the curriculum they had been following so I focused the exercise around a searching for a missing person.  The actual exercise occurred over a 3-hour period and the students were challenged to utilize their mapping skills, knowledge of lost person behavior, application of the Incident Management System (IMS), and first aid.  Approximately 52 students actively participated in the various roles required in the exercise.   Following the exercise, the youth were quizzed about what the learned and how to incorporate this experience into their everyday life.  Several students indicated they wanted to take this information home and that they wanted more opportunities to learn and participate in whole community Emergency Management

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