Author: Melissa Morgan (Newman)
Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Food Systems Innovation Center (FSIC) is a multi-discipline program designed to aid Kentucky’s food entrepreneur’s. Many of our clients are involved in producing locally grown foods and agricultural products. Often marketing through the Kentucky Proud within the Commonwealth. The majority of these foods are marketed at local farmer’s markets and some have become popular and/or have gained the attention of larger markets. When this happens, these entrepreneurs have question about increasing/up-scaling production, nutrition labels and analysis, determining a shelf-life, and/or marketing. The Food Systems Innovation Center (FSIC) is a multi-discipline program designed to aid Kentucky’s food entrepreneur’s answer these questions. Since July of 2018 the FSIC has assisted over 46 new clients to achieve their goals and meet regulatory requirements. Including many familiar names such as: Country Boy Brewery, Crank and Boom, The Chop Shop, Mom Blakeman’s, etc.
The FSIC was contacted by a local feed manufacturer interested in producing a granola product for hu... Read More
With COVID-19 restrictions still in place it was decided to help youth and volunteers to keep their ... Read More
The pandemic canceled or changed 4-H activities in 2020. The 4-H Country Ham Committee wanted to mak... Read More