Success StoryCattle Handing Facilities

Cattle Handing Facilities

Author: Morgan Hayes

Planning Unit: Biosystems & Agr Engineering

Major Program: Beef

Outcome: Initial Outcome

In 2018 I had the opportunity to present cattle handling facilities to the first women master cattleman program.   The program provided great discussion about the planning and construction of cattle handling facilities.  Based on surveys provided at the beginning and end of the session using a 1 to 5 scale for confidence that they understood the concepts, the audience shifted from a 3.43 to a 4.29 for 'cattle behavior and movement'.  The audience also improved in confidence about the considerations they needed to take in planning for a handling facility moving from a 2.71 to a 4.29.  In the third category surveyed, 'parts of a handling facility and common designs' the audience improved their self reported confidence with values shifting from 2.57 to 4.29.  Overall the audience showed active interest in this concept and the presentation led to two follow up visits on farm as well as the material in the slides being provided to a high school ag teacher to be utilized in her materials for class.

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