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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

Success StorySuper Star Chef Cooking Camp

Super Star Chef Cooking Camp

Author: Vicki Wynn

Planning Unit: Marshall County CES

Major Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access

Plan of Work: Accessing Nutritious Foods

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Kentucky kids consistently rank low in consuming fruits and vegetables. The Super Star Chef Cooking Camp (SSCCC) teaches hands-on nutrition, healthy eating, and basic cooking skills. Campers learn that healthy eating can be fun, taste good, and improve overall health. Forty children in Marshall County have participated in camp during the past two summers, and reports from parents and families have been overwhelmingly positive. One dad remarked, "Our son loves to help in the kitchen, and he has taught our family the importance of including fresh fruits and vegetables in our meals. He even enjoys helping with the family grocery shopping." Plans are to continue the camp program each summer.

Stories by Vicki Wynn

Know the 10 Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

Know the 10 Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

about 5 years ago by Vicki Wynn

Alzheimers Disease is the sixth leading cause of death in Kentucky, with 69,000 adults age 65 and ov... Read More

Farmers Participate in Home-Based Microprocessor Program

Farmers Participate in Home-Based Microprocessor Program

about 5 years ago by Vicki Wynn

Kentucky farmers who desire to increase farm profits can produce value-added products such as jams, ... Read More

Stories by Marshall County CES

Know the 10 Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

Know the 10 Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

about 5 years ago by Vicki Wynn

Alzheimers Disease is the sixth leading cause of death in Kentucky, with 69,000 adults age 65 and ov... Read More

Farmers Participate in Home-Based Microprocessor Program

Farmers Participate in Home-Based Microprocessor Program

about 5 years ago by Vicki Wynn

Kentucky farmers who desire to increase farm profits can produce value-added products such as jams, ... Read More

Stories by Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access

Super Star Chef Program

Super Star Chef Program

about 6 years ago by Andrea Stith

Barren County residents face the challenges of overweight (62%) and obesity (32%). Families often re... Read More

Children L.E.A.P. into Nutrition

about 5 years ago by Ruth Chowning

Kentucky has one of the highest prevalence for pediatric obesity in the nation. Approximately 38% of... Read More