Success StoryKids Sewing Camp
Kids Sewing Camp
Author: Kelly Mackey
Planning Unit: Calloway County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Youth Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
“Sewing is a discipline that helps develop self-esteem, confidence, focus, patience, fine motor skills, problem solving, process thinking and visualization. Additionally, sewing encourages creative ability.” (The Creative Art of Sewing; www.North; September, 13, 2012.)
In an effort to increase our number of participants in 4-H Sewing Club and Fashion Revue, I decided to hold a 3 day sewing camp. The camp focused on four projects using recycled clothing items. The camp was advertised and within a week the camp was full with 20 participants and we had a waiting list of 28.
Twenty participants learned basic sewing skills and how to reuse old items. As a result of this camp, over half of the participants are interested in joining after school sewing club. Through marketing this program on social media we have also gained over 5 adults who are interested in learning to sew.
Due to the popularity of the camp, we have opened a second camp later this summer.
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