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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

Success StoryExtension Forrest Management Field Day

Extension Forrest Management Field Day

Author: Gregory Drake

Planning Unit: Butler County CES

Major Program: Woodland Education

Plan of Work: Teaching Sound Environmental Practices

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

~~Forrest management is an important skill for Butler County landowners.  Woodlands are used for timber production, wildlife habitat, and other recreational activities.  34% of Butler County’s 150,000 acres of farmland is forested.  The program focused on forage management, there was a drone demonstration, a discussion on call before you did (811) and a presentation on resources available to landowners from the KY Division of Forestry.  The agriculture agent organized, promoted, secured sponsors for, arranged volunteers for, and facilitated the event.  Extension staff (fcs agent) also provided an alternative program on painting rocks with inspirational messages.  There was also a history tour from a volunteer that discussed the importance of the Green River in Butler County’s history.  Extension staff also provided a demonstration booth about healthy meals and provided samples of “plate it up KY” recipes for all in attendance.  The 4-H agent used the opportunity to work with the 4-H teen club on food preparation and safety.  They prepared, served, and cleaned up the meal for 100 participants.  A 4-H member addressed the crowd about his experiences in the beef cattle industry.  The program was delivered in the Woodbury community.  Woodbury is in southern Butler County.  The event is rotated around the county to give more people the opportunity to attend.  The event was held at The Butler County Park/Green River Museum.  Several attendees had never been to the park.  The FFA facilitated parking for the event.     There were 97 registered for the program.  17 of these were children.   The target audience is people that farm, families looking to feed their families better, and community members that support agriculture. We had attendees from all parts of the county.  We also had elected officials and those that were there for the craft project and food ideas.  The house member who represents Butler County provided a legislative update about the state pension crisis that was very timely.  A written evaluation is collected from 63 participants prior the meal.  This instrument gives participants a chance to report what the learned and will use during this event and also what they are now doing differently as a result of past extension programs.  The initial outcome of the program is that 100 percent of respondents indicated that they would attend again, 81 percent said they got something useful from the demonstrations.  48 percent of respondents said they learned something from the field day that they would use this year.  There is intermediate impact as 49 percent of respondents listed a specific farming or family living practice that they plan to change because of participation in this program.  These ranged from using drones to understanding and obeying fire laws.  11 percent of those in attendance said they enjoyed the program but would not change anything.  The field day program has long term outcome.  The evaluation responses indicated that 11 percent of attendees have changed a farming or family living practice because of their attendance at a past extension field event.  They identified forestry, cattle vaccination, using craft ideas, soil testing, and more as things they have changed or are doing differently or better.

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Stories by Butler County CES

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Food Preparation

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