Success StoryEstill and Clark County Producers Complete Master Stocker Program
Estill and Clark County Producers Complete Master Stocker Program
Author: Jeffrey Lehmkuhler
Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences
Major Program: Beef
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Estill and Clark county agents received requests from clientele for a program related to backgrounding and stockering beef calves. Specialists assisted with developing and delivering materials related to animal health, forages, facilities, minimizing environmental impacts on production, nutrition and marketing. A total of six meetings that were 2-3 hours in length were held to provide educational trainings for clientele. Approximately 10 producers participated in the program gaining knowledge in management principles related to growing calves. At the end of the program, a post-program survey was completed by eight participants. Based on this information, the average number of cattle managed was near 100 head. Using a 5-point likert scale, producers were asked to indicate their knowledge level before and after the educational sessions. The program in increased the general knowledge base of producers in all areas as indicated by evaluation responses. This increased knowledge will result in greater profits for participants. When asked about the economic impact of the program, participants indicated that, on average, the knowledge gained will add about $19.58/hd managed in value. When extrapolated out over the number of head managed, each operation would anticipate an additional $2,000 in net profits. Extension continues to assist beef cattle producers in the state gain knowledge that can result in management changes and improve profitability.
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