Success StoryNew 4H Special Interest Groups
New 4H Special Interest Groups
Author: Bethany Wilson
Planning Unit: Pulaski County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Animal Science & Natural Resource Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
4H horticulture and natural resources programming has been limited to in-school programs, community Earth Day events, and Extension day camps. During the 2018-19 year, the Pulaski Co 4H and Horticulture Agents teamed up to start two new youth special interest clubs.
Local beekeepers have been a tremendous help in outreach programs in the past. The 4H Agent received a PRIDE grant to buy hives, equipment, and all protective gear for kids. The local beekeepers also donated equipment and volunteered their time to help with the new 4H Beekeeping Club. One beekeeper took the lead.
The group met each month during the school year learning about bees, putting together hive boxes and painting them and it was to culminate in April with actually getting into the hives. Weather prevented that from happening. The group was small, about 3 to 4 kids, but they were a dedicated few.
Two Advanced Master Gardeners took on the task of training and preparing monthly programs for the new 4H Horticulture and Judging Team in preparation for competition. This is the first time Pulaski County will enter a team in the contest at the Kentucky State Fair.
The Master Gardeners prepared all monthly activities for the kids who are participating in the contest. Games, mock tests, and fun activities were conducted each time. They always made sure the kids were rewarded for their efforts. At least three youth will be competing in the fair in 2019.
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