Success StoryWhere does my money go?
Where does my money go?
Author: Tracy Cowles
Planning Unit: Butler County CES
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Plan of Work: Financial Management
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Butler County Family and Consumer Science Agent reached out to the local rehab center to provide financial management classes to individuals while they are in the mandated program. The majority of the participants have identified money management as a need and a problem they face. The curriculum “Where Does My Money Go,” “Making Your Money Work,” “Money Habititudes,” “Good Credit Game,” “Real Skills for Everyday Life,” and “Managing in Tough Times,” were utilized to provide the framework for the discussion and learning activities to teach needs versus wants, spending habits, saving habits, budgeting, goal setting, and planning. When each participant completed the activity on what they are worth, which deals with your current standard of living, they were shocked at their amount. Discussions were then held on how they could make better spending choices and identify spending leaks. Of the 68 participants, 83% reported they would do things differently in the future by developing a spending plan while 55% reported that they would start a savings account.
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