Success StorySewing for personal benefit- Health, Happiness and Style!
Sewing for personal benefit- Health, Happiness and Style!
Author: Ruth Chowning
Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Sewing is cool again! Not too long ago, hand sewn items were considered “homespun”, “plain-Jane” and “unsophisticated”. But with the popularity of TV shows like Project Runway, Fashion Star and more recently Threads, sewing is now thought of more in terms such as “stylish”, “innovative” & “fashion-forward”. Keeping that in mind, the "It's Sew Fine For Home and Family Sewing Expo (Sewing Expo) committee developed their 15th year program. The out of state speakers, Sarah Gunn and Julie Starr, showed ways to upcycle and design their own clothes to mirror the latest fashion trend without spending the high dollar amounts on name brand garments.
Due to evaluations, the “It’s Sew Fine For Home and Family” committee chose to change their location and format. They partnered with the Boone County Extension Service, a private caterer and the local hotel association to offer a One & Two Day registration; a lower registration fee; and discounted hotel accommodations. Classes were taught for all skill levels providing hands on learning experiences to 165 participants from 48 Kentucky Counties and 19 states- the highest number of attendees in 14 years. The Sewing Expo attracts all ages and skill levels. This year we had 65% that were college educated with 22% reporting they had “some” college. The audience consisted of 87% over the age of 55. A growing demographic is the audience under the age of 35 which has grown by 22%.
When participants completed a survey to describe the reasons why they sew, we found the main reasons to be:
-81% expression of self
-74% to relieve stress/relax
-92% to express creativity
-77% create gifts for others
-85% Sense of accomplishments
-53% to custom fit for self/friend
-67% to create item for home
These reasons mirror the national reports for why participants sew. With the majority of the participants having access to one or more organizations who address clothing construction, textiles, or fiber arts, they continue to return to the Sewing Expo which speaks to the education and benefits they receive from attending. Over 16 participants have attended all 14 previous years.
This year there were 37 first time participants. The majority of participants (81%) consider they have intermediate or advanced skills- a growth in skill from the reports of early “It’s Sew Fine for Home and Family” Sewing Expo years.
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