Success StoryPrecision Agriculture Farmer Peer Group
Precision Agriculture Farmer Peer Group
Author: Joshua McGrath
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Soils
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Over the course of the last year several farmers contacted me, either directly, or through their county extension agents about precision seeding and nutrient management. Specifically, they were looking for guidance on how to create management zones. We created an informal peer group where the farmers could share ideas and questions with me and each other. Gene Hahn and I developed tutorial videos for the farmers using their data on how to develop management zones using free statistical and geographic information system (GIS) software packages. We have used USDA-ARS software MZA that is supported by peer-reviewed literature as a valid statistical approach to create zones across data layers. Nonetheless, we are currently limited because there is not a scientifically valid method to develop variable rate phosphorus or potassium prescriptions, despite the fact 40 – 60% of P and K are applied using variable rate management in the U.S. Therefore, we have submitted proposals to local commodity boards to support on-farm research, working with this peer group, to develop better guidance on precision nutrient management. This peer workgroup format was extremely successful. One farmer commented that all the articles and industry press told them they should make zones, but none had ever told them how. These farmers used the tutorial videos, and all commented they were now using this approach to delineate management zones within their fields. We are now revising these videos to develop an online training series that county agents and farmers can access to learn how to develop zones. In addition, we plan to develop a program that can be presented at the regional level across Kentucky.
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