Success StoryNurturing Parents

Nurturing Parents

Author: Tracy Cowles

Planning Unit: Butler County CES

Major Program: Nurturing Parenting

Plan of Work: Economic, Social, and Physical Well-Being of Individuals and Families

Outcome: Initial Outcome

According to the 2018 Kids Count County Data Book, Butler County has 2,905 children between the ages of 0-17, with 259 of them living in out of home care. To begin with, children need safe homes and loving families in order to thrive. When children cannot remain in their parents’ care – due to parental substance abuse, incarceration, or child maltreatment – grandparents, other relatives or foster care homes often step up to raise them. This has become even more true as the addiction crisis permeates Kentucky. According to the Kentucky Department for Community Based Services and the U. S. Census Bureau, substance abuse is a major factor for over half of children being removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect, especially infants and toddlers. The Butler County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent developed a relationship with the local Department for Community Based Services, Andrea’s Mission - a local rehabilitation center, the Family Court Judge, and the office of Drug Court, in hopes to make sure, parents in our community receive parenting classes when needed.

“The Nurturing Family” parenting curriculum, “24/7 Dad” curriculum, “Nurturing Fathers” curriculum and the “Five Basic Parenting Skills” curriculum were used to teach these individuals. These were taught at three rehab centers, the Extension Office, and the Green River Youth Detention Center to teach parents a more nurtured way of raising their children. 

Using a pre and a post assessment, 65% of the parents gained knowledge in the areas of expectation of children, empathy, discipline, family roles, and power and independence, 20% gained knowledge in at least three of the areas listed above, 10% gained knowledge in at least two of the areas listed and 5% stayed the same. After completion of the program, a certification of completion is given to each with a letter written to the appropriate agency about their completion.

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