Success StoryCamp Kesem
Camp Kesem
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Camp Kesem is a nationwide community, driven by passionate college student leaders, that supports children through and beyond their parent’s cancer. They are the largest national organization dedicated to this unique population. Currently there are 105 Kesem chapters in 40 states led by 4,500 college student leaders. Dr. Kerri Ashurst serves as the UK Chapter Student Advisor for Camp Kesem, formed in late 2016. Camp Kesem KY had their first camp in July 2017 with 19 children attending and their second camp in June 2018 with 28 children attending. Surveys indicated that 98% of camper parents consistently believe Camp Kesem has a positive impact on their family. More than 95% of college student leaders across the country report that their experience working with or volunteering for Kesem has had a significant impact on their teamwork, initiative taking, accountability, problem solving, professional relationship building, time management, public speaking and communication skills. Now that 2 years of camps have been held, UK's Camp Kesem chapter held "Friends and family days" in fall 2018 and spring 2019 where former campers could come together to reunite, have fun, and share their experiences. UK's Camp Kesem chapter student directors and advisory board have raised enough funds to hold a third KY camp scheduled for July 14-19, 2019. There are 32 children signed up for this camp . Partnerships developed during the past year with this program have increased by over 300%. UK President Capilouto has donated funds to our UK Chapter. A website was developed for UK's Chapter - Exemplary quotes from Kentucky campers' parents were as follows:
“I want my daughter to grow up to be kind, above all else. Camp Kesem helps guide kids that way. It’s not just about grieving. It’s about finding happiness and love out of sadness.” --KY Camper Parent
“...Today was career day at camp. My daughter went as a cancer doctor because she said she wants to make a difference and give back to the families she learned so much about at camp! Thank you guys for giving her this opportunity!" --KY Camper Parent
“My big boy had such a GREAT WEEK at Camp Kesem!! This program is a true blessing to families dealing with cancer. The children affected by a parent’s cancer are a very underserved population. They benefit so greatly by this week ‘away from it all’ where they can just be kids. Thank you for making this happen for our Kentucky children!! Go Cats!” --KY Camper Parent
"The point of this e-mail is to try to express my sincere thanks for this unbelievable experience you gave my nephew. What a gift!!! It is sad that this experience occurred because his Mama has cancer, but this is the one good thing he will always remember in this whole long, uncertain journey. A million thanks from deep in my heart!" --KY Camper Aunt
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