Success StoryBeyond Recovery
Beyond Recovery
Author: Alexander Elswick
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The latest data on the opioid epidemic paints a dire picture for the state of Kentucky. In 2017, overdose mortalities rose for at least a tenth consecutive year, totaling more than 1,500 deaths. In response, the state has begun exploring new and innovative alternatives to the traditional modalities of treatment and recovery.
Research indicates that for people with substance use disorders, and particularly for those who have become justice involved, the risk of relapse is highest during the first 90 days following release from treatment and/or incarceration. Therefore, it is imperative that these alternative approaches offer support to people in early recovery.
In cooperation with Judge Privett, who presides over drug court in Bourbon, Scott, and Woodford counties, UK Cooperative Extension developed the Beyond program to provide recovery capital to drug court participants. Recovery capital refers to the sum total of resources that a person can leverage to support their recovery. As a part of the program, participants attended bi-weekly sessions at their county extension office to access recovery capital programming related to addiction education, employability/soft skills, personal finance, nutrition, and parenting.
The foundational approach to the Beyond program was to mobilize our existing strengths within Cooperative Extension, and particularly within Family and Consumer Sciences Extension, to positively impact the lives of people in recovery. As of the date of this writing, at least 30 drug court participants have been served in their respective counties. The social, juducial, and healthcare costs recuperated by society when 30 individuals in a community are able to sustain recovery is so profound as to be difficult to calculate.
Stories by Alexander Elswick
Beyond Recovery
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