Success Story4-H Builds Business Skills
4-H Builds Business Skills
Author: Novella Froman
Planning Unit: Pike County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Life Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”-Moli
Keaton won a $1,000.00 toward his college education during the 4-H American Private Enterprise Seminar. It was held on the campus of the University of Kentucky. Zachary won the $500.00 leadership award for college scholarship money during these workshops to teach youth the mechanics of business and prepare them for the work world. In all, our youth won $1,800.00 during the program. The fees for the workshop were donated by the Pikeville Rotary Club and Community Trust Bank.
Our county is going through financial hardships due to the lack of jobs in our communities. The Pike County Extension Council identified work force preparation as an important need for our county.
In March of this year, we gave fifty youth and two junior leaders the opportunity to experience through these workshop to learn business skills. Local outstanding business leaders led the discussions on the nuts and bolts of business operations. The youth were tested on the skills they gained through the two day event.
Keaton said, “I have learned a lot through the few days with everyone. I learned how to work as a team and really just jell together. Everyone’s ideas do matter. I learned all about how horse farms are operated and exactly how much work goes into it all.”
Zach, 4-H Junior Leader during this year’s program and a participant in the program in 2018 said this, “The memorable parts of last year’ seminar were mainly some of the things the speakers told us such as the benefits of formatting a company to be an L.L.C. as not to put your personal assets at risk. Another thing I remember that a speaker said is about following your passion. He said that if you have something you love, that you want to do it on the side until you can’t do it just that time. Then you can choose to do it as a career.”
Emmaline, stated, “What I learned from last years’ seminar is to come up with problem solving techniques. This program helped improve my communications skills. I enjoyed the opportunity to see the University of Kentucky campus; staying in the dormitories helped prepare me for college life and what to expect.”
The 4-H Program is working to help our community by overcoming the obstacles of jobs by creating the opportunity for youth to begin business of their own. 4-H is making the best, better.
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