Success StoryUnderstanding and Using New Small Kitchen Appliances
Understanding and Using New Small Kitchen Appliances
Author: Rita Stewart
Planning Unit: Lincoln County CES
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Plan of Work: Life Skills Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In today's society, consumers have access to many small kitchen appliances and gadgets. Knowing how to make a safe and useful purchase is important to maximize usefulness and decrease total spending. In order to share information about purchasing and using small kitchen appliances and gadgets, Family and Consumer Sciences Agents taught a multi-county seminar. Participants learned about selecting and safely using several small kitchen appliance and gadgets, including an air fryer electric pressure cooker, and toaster oven. This agent was the primary facilitator for the event and responsible for the information for our Extension Homemaker leaders and others. All agents taught and demonstrated how to use an appliance and gadget. As a result of this program, 98% of participants reported planning to use at least one piece of information learned. 97% reported increasing their knowledge of the questions to ask when considering purchasing an appliance and were more aware of the safety considerations when using small appliances. 95% were more knowledgeable of the options available and 86% plan to shop for a small kitchen appliance. As a follow-up to this program, this agent taught two additional programs. Participants learned about using the electric pressure cooker and the air fryer. While over 50% of participants owned an electric pressure cooker, most had not used that appliance. 100% reported learning how to better use these appliances. One participant reported being more comfortable using the electric pressure cooker. Several participants plan to purchase a new small kitchen appliance and for those that own such appliances, they plan to use them more often to prepare nutritious meals for their families.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment