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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryCounty Agricultural Education Efforts for the Year

County Agricultural Education Efforts for the Year

Author: David Embrey

Planning Unit: Edmonson County CES

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Edmonson County is a very rural, sparsely populated county and a large percentage of that population works outside of the county. Even so, the residents of the county have a wide range of interests and needs related to agriculture. For the past several years, in an effort to address as many of those needs and interests as possible, the County Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources has offered a multitude of educational opportunities. The past two years have included state and regional programs such as the Southern Kentucky Pesticide Training School, Forestry Webinar Series, Beef Quality and Care Assurance, Private Pesticide Applicator, as well as local, county agent programs which include Weed Control in Pastures & Hayfields, Beef Cattle Feeding & Nutrition, Farm Fencing, Forage Management, Dealing with Fescue Toxicosis, and Green house & High tunnel Basics, along with several others.  

Attendance for each program varied. For the year just completed, a total of 134 people attended the programs offered. Another 60 attended a county field day. In written evaluations of the county agent programs, 100% of participants indicated that they gained knowledge that would help them to improve their skills and help them with their decision making process.    

Many of the classes were attended by producers to get their educational component required to qualify for the County Agricultural Investment Program (CAIP). By offering these classes for producers, a total of over $70,000 in CAIP funds was able to be invested in the county for the year. In its current form, the CAIP program has been run in Edmonson County for over 8 years, with a total investment of almost $750,000. Estimated returns form these investments total over $3,000,000 in savings of commodities, infrastructure improvement, better cattle genetics, vegetable and fruit crop improvement, etc.

Stories by David Embrey

Edmonson County Spring Field Day

about 9 months ago by David Embrey

According to the latest Census of Agriculture Edmonson County has 81,589 acres of land used for agri... Read More

Third Record Setting Year in a Row for Edmonson County 4-H Camp

about 9 months ago by David Embrey

4-H Camp gives youth the opportunity to spend time meeting new people and learning life skills by pa... Read More

Stories by Edmonson County CES

First Ever YAIP Program in Edmonson County

First Ever YAIP Program in Edmonson County

about 9 months ago by Bridgett Poteet

Due to a lack of resources in a low-income county, most 4-Hers and youth in Edmonson County struggle... Read More

EC Volunteers Take KVF

EC Volunteers Take KVF

about 11 months ago by Bridgett Poteet

The Kentucky Volunteer Forum is a developmental and educational conference geared towards 4-H and Ex... Read More