Success StoryExtension Family Farm Field Day

Extension Family Farm Field Day

Author: Patrick Hardesty

Planning Unit: Taylor County CES

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)

Plan of Work: Empowering Taylor County Community Leaders

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

After request from the Extension Council leadership, an Extension Family Farm Field Day was hosted in cooperation with the Taylor County Extension Service with approximately 150 participating.  In order to highlight all program areas, a grain and beef farm and a produce farm were selected.   This was the first to highlight two farms, of which one was an Amish produce farm, with a field day.  The theme of the event was keeping all families safe.

Youth activities included:  ATV and kid sun safety, games, crafts and healthy snacks (trail mix).  Family and Consumer Science activities included:   sun safety, food preservation and food safety, pressure canner testing and a healthy snack demo.  Horticultural activities included:  horticulture farm tour, produce best practices/safety and rain barrel workshop and giveaway.  Agriculture activities included:  grain bin safety, tractor PTO/rollover safety, electrical safety, stop by the bleed and Air Evac helicopter was present to allow participants to view and discuss membership.

Community support for the Extension Family Farm Field Day was excellent with over $1,700 worth of door prizes donated and over $1,400 for meal sponsorships. 

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