Success StoryForage Variety Testing Program Essential for KY Producers and Surrounding States
Forage Variety Testing Program Essential for KY Producers and Surrounding States
Author: Samuel Smith
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Forages
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The University of Kentucky Forage Variety Testing Program is essential for KY Producers. It provides cattleman, horse owners, hay producers and others up to date information on the best forage species and varieties for their operations. The strength and quality of the program is evidenced by the use of the variety test information by county agents and producers in all of the 7 states surrounding KY. Gene Olson is the coordinator of the program and oversees planting, maintaining and harvesting over 2000 individual forage plots in both the yield and grazing tolerance trials. Since the yield tests are harvested 4 to 5 times per year, and each plot is measured for yield, maturity, seedling vigor, stand persistence, and other parameters, Gene handles over 30,000 data points per year.
Variety Test Coordinator: Gene Olson
Specialists Involved: Drs. Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch, and Jimmy Henning
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