Success StoryKY Equine Extension Summit
KY Equine Extension Summit
Author: Samuel Smith
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Forages
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In 2012 a survey of the Kentucky Equine industry was completed by the University of Kentucky. The survey reported that there were 35,000 horse operations across the state and that of the 240,400 horses each of the 120 counties had horses and owners. While there are horses and horse owners across the commonwealth how can those people be served by cooperative extension.
To try and answer that question an Equine Summit was held in December of 2018. The program was developed and hosted by a committee of county Ag agents, and extension faculty from across CAFÉ. The goals of the summit were to look at what was currently available and then to address the opportunities and challenges of developing equine extension programs across the state.
Over 100 ANR and 4-H agents along with industry leaders from their respective counties participated in the summit at either Mercer or Daviess counties. The discussions were facilitated by Dr. Lori Garkovich (recently retired from UK).
The materials discussed were gathered, summarized and presented by the organizing committee to the Equine programs and the Equine programs Agent working group. From all this actionable items were developed that focused on either ANR or 4-H level programing. To date a number of the items are in the implementation stages and new programs and resources will be the result.
The process started by listening to the challenges and opportunities expressed by those attending the summit. Their involvement has led to new ideas and renewed enthusiasm to develop equine extension programs for horse owners across the commonwealth.
Thanks to the committee of Linda McClanahan, Don Sorrel, Drs. Peter Timoney, Morgan Hayes, Amy Lawyer, Fernanda Camargo, Emma Adam, Ray Smith and Bob Coleman. Special thanks to Dr. Coleman for writing this summary.
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