Success StorySuperstar Chef Cooking Camp
Superstar Chef Cooking Camp
Author: Kevin Lindsay
Planning Unit: Fayette County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Outcome: Initial Outcome
19 Fayette County youth attended the 3 day Super Star Chef cooking camp for kids ages 9 to 12 years old. The Super Star chef is a program developed by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension and The School of Human and Environmental Science, Food and Nutrition. The program teaches students how to make healthy recipes that they can take home and share with their families safely. Super Star Chef was presented by students from the University of Kentucky who are majoring in nutrition and dietetics.
12 of the 19 participants indicated they had no previous cooking experience before attending. All 19 participants indicated they learned to master a variety of cooking techniques, how to use a knife correctly, and the importance of washing your food and hands before starting any recipe. Each day, participants practiced hand washing and how to hold a knife correctly. They also, practiced proper cutting procedures by holding the knife firmly and always cutting away from the body. They also discovered foods that are good fuel for their bodies and learned to read food labels and identify if foods were safe to eat. As a result of the cooking camp, based on the data from the twenty respondents to the pre- and post-tests the following knowledge was gained:
100 % of participants said they know how to practice correct hand washing skills at home and school. 100% of participants said they learned the correct way to hold a knife for cutting. 100 % increased their knowledge about what is in a recipe and know how to make the recipes at home. 100% learned how to read nutrition label. 7 participants indicated that they have already made one of the recipes they learned to make during the camp.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment