Success StoryImproving Master Gardeners Confidence in Plant Problem Identification through Continuing Education.
Improving Master Gardeners Confidence in Plant Problem Identification through Continuing Education.
Author: Kimberly Leonberger
Planning Unit: Plant Pathology
Major Program: Master Gardener
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Master Gardener program is a CAFE featured program and a major initiative for participating counties. Many Master Gardener volunteers assist county agents by accepting samples, completing homeowner site visits, fielding phone calls from homeowners, and/or providing general diagnostic assistance. As diagnosis of plant problems is a challenging and often intimidating process, many volunteers are timid to participate in these programs. In order to provide Master Gardeners with additional education and experience with plant disease diagnosis, the Advanced Plant Disease Diagnosis Master Gardener Program was developed. Through this train-the-trainer program, Master Gardeners gain skills and knowledge that can be used to educate the numerous individuals they have contact with.
This 3 hour program consists of a 45 minute presentation that reviews the basic pathogen groups and introduces the diagnostic process. The remaining portion of the program requires participants to work through a series of case studies to determine the potential causes of the plant problems. From July 2018 through June 2019, this program was provided in 3 Kentucky counties to a total of 54 Master Gardener volunteers.
A survey of participants showed an increase in understanding of plant pathogen groups (68%) and diagnosis (73%). Individuals that participated in the program indicated an increased level of confidence in the areas of determining information needed from clients (67%), making specific photo and sample requests (68%), establishing next steps in determining possible causes (80%), and working through the diagnostic process (77%). Ninety seven percent of attendees indicated that they wanted to learn more on the topic. Feedback from participants indicated the value gained from these programs. Attendees stated, “Love the program format, hands-on and working through each diagnosis in lab group setting. Excellent Program!” and “Extension services provide INVALUABLE education to our communities through programs like these”
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