Success StoryTobacco Production

Tobacco Production

Author: Ricky Arnett

Planning Unit: Green County CES

Major Program: Tobacco

Plan of Work: Increasing Crop Production in Green County

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Even with the changes that much of the tobacco industry has seen across the state of Kentucky since the tobacco buyout in 2001, and the weather conditions tobacco farmers has faced over the last three to five years, tobacco remains a strong and vital component of Green County. According to the Kentucky Agriculture statistics, this $10 million annual crop makes up over 33 % of Green County’s Agriculture economy. A strong joint effort has been implemented by Green, Adair, and Taylor counties to help aid producers in producing tobacco as efficiently as possible. Radio programs, news articles, winter meetings, insecticide research plots, a summer field day, and one on one consultations were all utilized this past year to reach clientele in the best way possible. With 81 producers in attendance at this year’s winter tobacco meeting. With the help of the UK Tobacco Specialist we feel we are able answer our producers in a timely manner and give them accurate diagnoses.

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