Success StoryLet's Get Moving
Let's Get Moving
Author: Katie Mills
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Improving Basic Lifeskills, Well-being, and Quality of Life
Outcome: Initial Outcome
During Spring Break, Hopkins County hosted several programs during the day to build a healthier lifestyle with a day full of hands-on learning. A “Let’s Get Moving” program was hosted at the Extension Office with seventeen youth in attendance. This was an eight hour program that involved exercise, health knowledge, and making a nutritious lunch. According to, Kentucky ranks as the eighth highest in obesity for adults and is fourteenth for children aged 10-17 year olds. Hosting this program was our way of trying to give knowledge to the youth of Hopkins County and show them what 4-H has to offer.
Our members during the event started the day with stretches and the knowledge of the importance of performing them before and after all exercise. After, we went into exciting activities that youth are able to participate with their friends at home, like name games, dodgeball, and flyswatter hockey. During lunch, a volunteer shared the difference in each eggs from geese, chickens, and ostrich. He then showed him the different parts of the egg and the nutritious facts about them. The youth then made the SNAP-Ed recipe “Crunchy Fruit and Chicken Salad” and we went over what food group the lunch meal fit into.
The success of “Let’s Get Moving” day was proved by the post-test the youth participated in. After the day, 94% of youth knew that they should drink six to eight glasses of water a day. 88% know that one hour of exercise is important to participate in per day, and 94% were able to name something healthy from their lunch. This shows that the youth were able to learn information on what is important for their body and what they should partake in every day.
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