Success Story4-H Health Month
4-H Health Month
Author: Meagan Klee
Planning Unit: Casey County CES
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Enhancing Personal Development through Leadership and Healthy Life Skills and Practices
Outcome: Initial Outcome
February is 4-H Health Month in Kentucky and 4-H programs are encouraged to include additional health programs throughout the month.
To encourage additional physical activity among Casey County youth, elementary school teachers were asked to increase physical activity during school hours, in addition to recess and PE class. Teachers log the day, type of activity, and the duration of the activity throughout the month. At the end of the month, the grade at each school who has logged the most additional minutes of physical activity will receive a healthy prize.
At the conclusion of the 4-H Health Month Challenge, three 4th grade classrooms (71 students) from Walnut Hill Elementary and one kindergarten classroom (29 students) from Liberty Elementary logged the most time of additional physical activity. The three 4th grade classrooms logged 197 minutes of physical activity including Go Noodle, various dancing/movement, and cardio and walking. The one kindergarten classroom logged 295 minutes of physical activity including Go Noodle and leg lifts.
In April, the classes received their reward. Facilitated by 4-H teens, the classrooms were rewarded with make-your-own fruit parfaits and trail mix. Students also received water bottles and participated in some fun lines dances, even teaching the leadership some new moves. The students enjoyed the physical activity so much, the 4th grade teacher continued additional physical activity months after the conclusion of the challenge including dancing and marching, lunges, and side steps down the hallway.
Health lessons were also led in the 5th grade 4-H School Clubs which prompted one student to say, “I appreciate you bringing in snacks for us. Not everyone gets food/snacks like this at home.”
Also included in 4-H Health Month were safety lessons taught by community members. Master Sedita Whited, a 6th Dan Black Belt Certified Taekwondo Instructor, led a personal safety class providing youth and adults skills and maneuvers to use when in dangerous situations. Charly Moreno, of Healthy Kids Clinic, led a CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and First Aid certification and training for Casey County youth and adults. Participants learned general first-aid skills, how to administer the Heimlich maneuver on infants, youth, and adults, how to administer CPR to infants, youth, and adults, and how to use an AED (automatic external defibrillator). A total of 31 people attended the trainings with interest in additional trainings being offered.
Casey County Middle School participated in the Smarter Lunchrooms Pilot Program. Through coordination and cooperation with the lunchroom staff, the program was successful in the cooks introducing new vegetables (with much success) to their students. Results will be reported in the 2019-2020 program year.
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