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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

Success StoryKentucky Corn C.O.R.E. 2019

Kentucky Corn C.O.R.E. 2019

Author: Chad Lee

Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences

Major Program: Grain Crops

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

The Kentucky Corn Growers Association sponsors the Crop Observation and Research Education. The program was co-developed with the University of Kentucky and works with a group of young producers on agronomic and professional development. Three classes have completed the program and Class IV starts the fall of 2019. The alumni trip is an international trip. In 2019, the alumni decided to travel to the Humid Pampas of Argentina to learn about farming without subsidies. Producers and agronomists in Argentina showed our farmers their production systems. Financing, agronomics, economics, labor, government and peer advisory groups were discussed. OUTCOMES: Several alumni from the C.O.R.E are now leaders of either KY Corn Growers, Kentucky Soybean Board or KY Small Grain Growers. Several alumni became UKAg Benefactors and donated to the Grain and Forage Center of Excellence. Since the C.O.R.E. program began, we are witnessing more collaboration between the three board (Corn, Soybean and Small Grains) and we are seeing alumni of C.O.R.E. exhibit more leadership across the agricultural community.

Stories by Chad Lee

Flooded Corn Dangerous to Cattle 2018

about 5 years ago by Chad Lee

A farmer reported corn during seed fill period that was flooded entirely. The farmer intended to har... Read More

KyCorn UKAg Benefactor Program

about 5 years ago by Chad Lee

To support the Grain and Forage Center of Excellence, the Kentucky Corn Growers Association develope... Read More

Stories by Plant and Soil Sciences

2018 Kentucky Grazing Conference Profitable for Producers

2018 Kentucky Grazing Conference Profitable for Producers

about 5 years ago by Jimmy Henning

Specialists involved: Jimmy Henning, Ray Smith and Chris TeutschPastures are important to the profit... Read More

Photographs selected as national winners

Photographs selected as national winners

about 5 years ago by Jimmy Henning

Two photographs entered in the 2019 National Photo Contest of the American Forage and Grassland Coun... Read More

Stories by Grain Crops

Annual Winter Agriculture Conference

Annual Winter Agriculture Conference

about 5 years ago by Samantha Anderson

The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill brought forth many new changes to the landscape of American agricu... Read More

ECFP-Soil Meeting

ECFP-Soil Meeting

about 5 years ago by Chuck Flowers

EFCP-Soil MeetingCarlisle, Fulton and Hickman County had a market value of $337 million in agricultu... Read More