Success Story4-H Fundraising Builds Leadership Skills and Increases Community Involvement in 4-H
4-H Fundraising Builds Leadership Skills and Increases Community Involvement in 4-H
Author: Catherine Webster
Planning Unit: Simpson County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
By supporting and engaging young leaders, adults and communities experience direct benefits through stronger connections to youth. Young people re-energize adults and counteract negative stereotypes of youth when they are successfully engaged in leadership within their communities. Simpson County saw a 20% increase in voluntary giving to the 2018 Ag Tag Promotion Campaign though the County Clerk's Office. This was the largest percentage increase of any county in KY.
The Simpson County 4-H Council operates on a $6,000 annual budget with 80% these funds coming from four annual fundraisers. Council funds are budgeted to give members the opportunity to participate in programs on the county, district, and state levels, with 70% of the council’s budget allocated for teen summit & conference fees, camper fees, communications contest & fashion revue participation, and leadership development opportunities. The 4-H Council identified the need for 4-H members to have fundraising opportunities to offset 4-H program fees as their number one priority. In 2018 the 4-H Council established member accounts where proceeds from fundraisers members work, are set aside for the member to use toward participation in future 4-H programs.
In 2018, 76% of the parents sending their children to camp wanted their children to have the opportunity to earn their way to camp. There were twenty-one 4-H members who had been active in 4-H for at least one year that went to camp in 2018, sixteen of them worked fundraisers to earn their fee. Over the course of one programming year, 4-H members earned over $12,000 through concessions, auctions, bake sales, and selling fundraising items. Another $7,250 was raised through grants, scholarships, and sponsorships, to support camper fees, the county 4-H banquet (that recognizes members for their outstanding leadership, and participation in the KY 4-H achievement program), and the John Swack 4-H Scholarship program. In addition, five 4-H clubs: Exchange, Art, Sewing, Outdoor Adventures, and Horse, received grant funding to enhance club educational programs.
4-H fundraising opportunities have allowed Simpson County 4-H members to use their leadership and communication skills to be successful and engage in community based projects that have left a lasting impression on the community, evident by the $25,000 in financial support for the Simpson County 4-H program.
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