Success StoryFashion Leadership Board Provides Key Leadership in 4-H Textiles
Fashion Leadership Board Provides Key Leadership in 4-H Textiles
Author: Isaac Hilpp
Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The 4-H Fashion Leadership board give teens opportunities to learn fashion-related skills and put their leadership into action on behalf of the Kentucky 4-H program. Young people from across the state apply to participate as a board member and are selected based on their leadership skills, interview performance, and references. For the 2018-2019 year, seven young people were accepted as Fashion Leadership Board Members. One of the key duties of the Fashion Leadership Board is to organize and successfully implement the annual 4-H Fashion Review.
Educational response
Through the use of curriculums such as Unlock your Leadership Potential, Teambuilding with Teens, and STEAM sewing the board members explored their leadership skills. Using hands-on learning to teach skills in sewing, outfit design, and color coordination board members developed a better understanding of clothing construction and design.
Target Audience
Kentucky youth grades 8-11
As a result of the 4-H Fashion Leadership Boards role in planning and implementing the fashion review 100% of the youth reported feeling like the adults in the program cared about them, 100% of the youth reported feeling like they had a role in the event, and that they were safe to express themselves. Lastly, 75% of youth reported getting the chance to be a leader at the fashion review.
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