Success StoryMenifee County Extension Leardership Takes a Step Up
Menifee County Extension Leardership Takes a Step Up
Author: Mary McCarty
Planning Unit: Menifee County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
Plan of Work: Increasing Extension Leadership
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Menifee County has a population of 6,451 according to the US Census Bureau. Being a small county, leaders for extension programs are normally serving on multiple boards. Knowing this Agents and Staff in the Menifee County Extension Office worked together to recruit new leaders to help grow programs. Menifee County Farmers Market and the Menifee County 4-H Shooting Sports are two programs that have benefited greatly from the new ideas that new leaders bring to a group.
Menifee County Farmers Market manager used to handle all the marketing for the selling season. He ran the Facebook page and special programs. 2 new sellers joined the marketing team and increased their Facebook presence early in the year by having “Meet Your Grower” ads. They visited each growers’ farms interviewed the grower and posted all the information on Facebook. One meet your grower add had 1800 views and was share 64 times. They created an opening day event and had live music. Currently, every spot in the market shelter is full. Customer can now get their normal fresh fruit and vegetables along with fresh pork, jewelry, bank goods, and canned items. New for 2019 was the addition of accepting SNAP benefits at the market. 2019 Market looks to be one for the records.
Menifee County Shooting sports long time coaches asked for more help in the spring of 2018. For the first coaches meeting we had 5 new coaches attend the meeting. Changes from the new coaches included a new shooting range, hosting their first ever 4-H Shoot, and new ways to fundraise. There were some rough patches throughout the growing year, but at the end of the program year records were broken. Menifee County sent more kids to the state 4-H shoot then they ever had. They also ended the year with more money in their account and a grant from NRA to help them grow as well. 2019 the group added pistol and black powder to the possible disciplines to participate in. 4-H Shooting Sports next step is to have some parents to step up to the plate to help.
These new Extension Leaders that have grown and taken on more of a role is great asset to allow the Menifee County Extension program to grow and move towards bigger and brighter programs.
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