Success Story4-H Day Camp Improves Life Skills

4-H Day Camp Improves Life Skills

Author: Regina Browning

Planning Unit: Shelby County CES

Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

Plan of Work: Youth Life Skill Development

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

According to the American Camp Association, “The camp experience is recognized by child development professionals as valuable in helping children mature socially, emotionally, intellectually, morally, and physically. Camp participants learn to problem-solve, make social adjustments to new and different people, learn responsibility, and gain new skills to increase their self-esteem."  Shelby County 4-H has a strong overnight camping program but many youth do not have the opportunity to participate.  The Shelby County 4-H Agent and 4-H Program Assistant decided to hold a day camp to give more youth an opportunity to experience a camp environment.

Teens were selected to serve as Day Camp Counselors.  They were given the responsibility of assisting with schedule planning, activity planning, naming the camp, inviting presenters, planning a class, teaching a class, developing supply lists, leading icebreakers, dances, and games and leading groups of campers.

Forty-seven youth enrolled in the three day, “Clovers Day Camp.  In addition to camp traditions such as dances and games, youth participated in activities led by a local Homemaker, a Cross-Fit trainer and a participant in the 4-H International Exchange Program.  Local Fire and EMS crews visited and spoke with the kids about their jobs and equipment.  Workshops taught by teens included a cooking class, cultural arts, creative arts, a biotechnology “CSI” class, and popsicle stick boat design and racing. 

An evaluation completed by campers revealed that they practiced some important life skills while attending day camp.  Ninety-six percent of campers felted that they acted and spoke in ways that were honest, caring, respectful, and responsible.  Eighty-one percent learned skills to get along with others and 78% made new friends.    Sixty percent of the campers felt they became more self-confident and felt better about themselves.  Ninety-one percent of the campers felt that their counselors cared about them and 97% want to attend again next year.

The Teen Counselors also developed important skills.  They all served as leaders and role models for the campers.  Each helped plan and teach a class.  They all gained confidence as they saw something they planned be successfully implemented.  The adults involved in the program witnessed their leadership and communication skills grow.   The program was successful for all those involved.

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