Success StoryMoney Mondays Video Web-series Promotes Good Money Habits
Money Mondays Video Web-series Promotes Good Money Habits
Author: LaToya Drake
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Many individuals in the Barren County community appear to be struggling financially. Community & Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky, County Economic Data Profile details that 16% of Barren County residents are living in poverty and that the mean family income (39, 034) is significantly below the state average (44,811). A digital financial publication titled 24/7 Wall Street labeled the County seat, Glasgow, to be the poorest town in Kentucky based on reviewed census data of towns with populations between 1000 and 25000. The website discovered that Glasgow is the single town in Kentucky where the typical household income is less than 30,000 per year.
To encourage families in this community and beyond to make the most of what they have a series of short videos were created with the assistance of the Edmonson County FCS Agent to promote good money habits and financial resource management skills. The series of 4 videos are less than 2 minutes each and cover a variety of money topics including: basic budgeting; credit; saving for the holidays; and budgeting for back to school. The four short videos debuted on social media/Facebook each Monday during June.
Within this month the video series received positive engagement on the social media platform including shares, likes, and most importantly views. At the conclusion of the month, the first video on budgeting has been viewed 72 times; the video on credit has been viewed 90 times; the video on saving for the holidays has been watched 54 times; the final video on budgeting for back to school was watched 80 times. In total, the video series was viewed 296 times. This web-series remains available on the social media platform and has the potential to reach an indefinite amount of individuals in the future as well as be used as a part of a bigger program initiative.
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