Success StoryFirst Horse Club in the County

First Horse Club in the County

Author: Dora Centers

Planning Unit: Knott County CES

Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

Plan of Work: Youth Overall Development and Well Being

Outcome: Initial Outcome

       This past year Knott Co 4H dove into a horse club with an amazing volunteer, who completed the certification workshops and attended Kentucky Volunteer Forum, before ever holding the first meeting.  

       The club has now been active for six months with ten active members and their parents for an attendance of 15.  They have completed lessons from the 4H Horse curriculum including; safety/signs to watch for when handling horses, markings, breeds, proper equipment and even knot tying. Only three out of the ten youth actively ride horses, so over half the club is learning this information for the very first time.  Five of the members were completely new to extension and have since became involved in other 4H programs.  

       The club has another year planned with exciting meetings and are beginning to work on projects for next June’s state horse contest.

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