Success Story4-H certified Volunteer
4-H certified Volunteer
Author: Amy Branstetter
Planning Unit: Metcalfe County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Leadership and Communications
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources' Hunter Education regulation requires everyone born on or after January 1, 1975 and age twelve or older, to have a hunter education course completion card (Orange Card) in their possession while hunting, as well as the appropriate Kentucky hunting license.
Many 4-H members in Metcalfe County were having to travel to other counties for the Orange Card certification. A Metcalfe County 4-H Shooting Sports Certified Volunteer saw the need for an instructor in Metcalfe County. He became certified by attending the proper classes in order to teach the children of Metcalfe County.
Many homes in Metcalfe County keep firearms for hunting purposes. The certification program teaches youth responsibility in handling and using firearms. This 4-H Volunteer, has been responsible for educating and certifying 84 adults and youth in 2018-2019.
The 4-H agent arranged for facilities, publicity for the programs, and assisted people with signing up for the course.
100% of the group reported that the 8-10 hours of instruction was very informational and all reported that they have made some change in how they store firearms in their home. They are also more careful went going hunting.
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