Success StoryIn The Field with UK Extension
In The Field with UK Extension
Author: Adam Huber
Planning Unit: Monroe County CES
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to research from HubSpot, YouTube is the second most trafficked website behind google, and four times as many people prefer watching video on YouTube rather than on social media platforms. The Simpson County Ag Advisory Council and local clientele indicated that they would benefit from credible educational videos about local timely topics pertaining to agriculture, horticulture and natural resources.
Therefore, the Simpson and Allen County Extension Agents for Agriculture & Natural Resources developed the “In the Field with UK Extension” YouTube video series. This series consists of monthly videos that address timely topics and recent questions from clientele. These videos focus on a specific topic and serve as a resource for producers to provide information that can utilized on the farm to help them become more efficient in their overall production methods. The series features a variety of topics relating to agriculture, horticulture and natural resources. The series began in November of 2018. Seven videos have been posted to date and the series has progressively gained more views and likes. Videos have consisted of the following topics: Poison Hemlock Identification and Control, Selecting & Curing Firewood, Trapping Nuisance Wildlife, Controlling Moles, Black Vulture Effigy Construction, Black Vulture Effigy Placement, Use and Permits, Grafting Fruit Trees Using a Whip Graft. Videos can be accessed directly through YouTube, social media outlets and on the Simpson and Allen County websites. Also, a qualtrics survey was developed that allows interested clientele to sign up for notifications when new videos are posted through an email listserv. The video recording, editing, posting and promotion is done exclusively by the Allen and Simpson County Agents and support staff.
The “In the Field with UK Extension” video series has a total of 959 views. At least four beef producers reported that they followed video instructions to construct a black vulture effigy to deter predatory vultures during calving season. Often times, the videos have served as a good reference tool for assistance with customer service. The videos have received many positive verbal and typed comments online. One comment made was “Awesome video! I enjoyed watching. Thank you for sharing”. This individual also subscribed to our channel to get notifications for future educational videos that we produce. Eleven people have subscribed to the YouTube channel at this point.
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